Monday, April 24, 2017

Welcome to ENC3021!

This site serves as the QQC blog for ENC3021: Exploring the Presence and Absence of (Wo)Men in the Rhetorical Tradition with Julianna Edmonds at Florida State University.

This blog functions as a way for us to reflect collectively on our readings before class time

QQC stands for Quote. Question. Comment

In each weekly post, you are responsible for providing one interesting/confusing/thought-provoking quote from the reading and one question you have about the reading – its content, its argument, or its relation to other readings we’ve done or other things you’ve encountered in your own life.  

As a part of this assignment, you will then comment on someone else’s post, offering a substantive paragraph where you try to engage with the other person’s question. This means you will be making two separate posts in the blog for each QQC assignment. If you are the first person to post, please return to the blog and comment on a peer’s question once more have been posted. These posts are due every Monday and Wednesday by 3:00PM, unless otherwise specified in the course calendar.