Saturday, May 20, 2017

QQC #2- "Reading Crooked"

 "Narratives are no longer unquestioned or overarching; therefore, historiographers study the shape of each narrative to determine how "form outlines the contour of a loss, an absence, a voice, a silence, which in turn is assumed to be the ground of history.""

How do you think this feeds into the author's use of the term "reading crooked"?


  1. I would say, just inferring from the quote, the that author might mean that as time has progressed, the things we have left from history has been changed constantly and none of the changing seems to be overlooked or even tested to see if it actually the truth. So "reading crooked" can be related to us reading things that are just made up by those who don't really know the history or are trying to remove important information to make some look better than others; ex. Male vs. Female.

  2. I think this feeds into the notion of reading crooked because he whole concept of reading crooked stresses the idea of being able to look past what is familiar to us and further into what is unseen. This quote shows that histographers are trying to move past the traditional ways in which history has been taught and passed through the generations and are instead trying to find and account for the voices (including those of women and people of color) that have been silenced.
