Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Rhetoric- Plato

"For they imparted their skill with a view to its rightful use against enemies and wrongdoers, in self-defense, not provocation; whereas the others have perverted their strength and art to an improper use." -Plato (page 93)

How do you think people differ in using rhetoric ("rightful use" and "improper use") today?


  1. I think rhetoric is as wrong and right inside a court of law. For example, a lawyer can be persuading a judge that his client is not guilty even though all evidence points to him. If you can persuade an audience for long enough and just right, then they will believe anything you say. This would be the wrongful use of rhetoric, though some could argue it is a rightful use as well. It is a lawyer job to be a good persuader and use rhetoric for what they believe is rightful use.
    The terms Rightful and wrongful are too vague and can be manipulated and changed over time due to our past experiences, the way we use our senses, really anything could change our perception of what is rightful and wrongful use.

  2. Personally, I think there is a right and wrong to everything. However, today, people are extremely opinionated when it comes to their beliefs which leaves very little wiggle room to establish what is actually right from wrong. There has definitely been instances where privilege has saved others from going to jail whereas the unfortunate have to suffer for, while both persons have committed the same exact crime. Many people will use rhetoric to argue for both sides, how one is more guilty than the other and vice versa but ultimately they're both guilty/or not guilty.

  3. The world we live in today has evolved into one that is very restrictive in the way people utilize rhetoric. People are very concerned with what's politically correct and I think that triggers a major influence on the common, everyday discourse of people today. I think if many individuals didn't feel constrained by this in social situations from this then it would in fact change the rhetoric of modern times.

  4. Many people in our history has used some form of rhetoric. I wouldn't say every form of rhetoric is just because their very distinc and opinionated. We have presidents and highly known spokeman that speak about morality but then you have infamous dictators such as fidel or hitler that have completely different perspectives, so it really depends on intention.
