Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Quote: "Apess called on all men of color to unite against white supremacist racism, which he saw as originating in the Puritan colonists' genocidal attitudes and actions toward Native Americans. But the the issue that most motivated such activism in the antebellum United States was the abolition of slavery. African American women and men took the speaker's platform in unprecedented numbers to denounce this evil and to campaign for civil rights for all African Americans.

Question: In modern day, do you believe African Americans, especially African American women, have a voice? How public speech changed from slavery times to modern day?


  1. I think African American woman definitely have a voice but I also think there are times where they are not respected or taken seriously at all. I think our society as a whole do not take many things woman say seriously, because throughout time, this has been a country dominated by males. I think public speech since slavery has definitely improved but is not where it should be.

  2. I think African Americans have a voice. Obama had a voice. His wife had a voice. BLM has a voice. I think there are countless number of African Americans who have a voice in today's society. However, it wasn't really until MLK came that African Americans were given their voice. As for how public speech has changed, well for one thing, during the time of slavery and even after it was abolished, African Americans still didn't have many rights and were treated as lesser beings. Today, however, they have been given a voice, and are seen as equals in the eyes of many, but that doesn't mean racism still doesn't exist, and that doesn't mean that there aren't some people who still see them as less than what they are.

  3. I think that in present times, African American's certainly have a voice, both male and female. This is evidenced by former president Obama being able to break the barrier of being elected the first African American president as well as other political positions held by African Americans such as Supreme Court Justices, judges, etc.. That said, there is still plenty of racism and prejudice towards minorites happening every day in our country so we still have a long way to go.
