Monday, June 5, 2017

QQC #4

Quote: "Most social classes and groups are understood to encompass their members all the time no matter what."
Question: what are some examples of being addressed no matter what state of mind you are in? Is this an effective method of communication?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly! I think a good example of this would be a president addressing "My Fellow Americans." This encompasses not just the good law abiding Americans, but also the felons, sociopaths, bigots, and just plain jerks as well. It includes both sober and intoxicated Americans, deaf and hearing Americans, law abiding and non law abiding Americans, etc. I think that in the case of a president that it is an effective method of communication simply because I don't believe that it would be wise to begin an address with "My fellow good, honest, hard-working, law abiding Americans," because this excludes a lot of the population in the United States. However, in terms of addressing a piece to only a social class or group could prove ineffective simply because the public of the piece may need to include more than the one group intended. I hope this helps!
