Monday, June 5, 2017

QQC #4

Quote: The "promiscuous audience" threat served to scare women from speaking before they opened their mouths. The warning emphasized, in particular, the perception that woman by nature was irrational and could persuade only through seduction.

Question: Do you think this "promiscuous audience threat" is still seen today?


  1. I think that there is certainly a speculation in the role of women that still exists today in society. The "promiscuous audience" that is being referenced is a big part of what society sees as one of the main ways that women get others' attention and communicate their ideas. Although this is obviously not true for the most part, this is something that still remains true to a degree and affects the way that women are automatically seen as sexual creatures.

  2. I do think this threat is seen today. With woman in the media constantly being scrutinized for how they look rather than what they stand for. When this question would never arise if it was a man in their place.

  3. I think this is very active in culture today, and in some ways relates to ways in which women are often slut shamed and held to certain double standards that cause them to be more docile and play a certain role in society. It's interesting how ideals like these are present in culture years after they were presented.

  4. I think this threat is still seen today, but isn't as bad as it once was. However, just because it's not as bad, doesn't mean it's not still prevalent. I think women are often judged for how they look and what they wear, rather than what they actually have to say or what they think.

  5. I think that the concept of of the "promiscuous audience threat" is still alive today, but to a lesser extent. While many barriers have been broken and it is no longer out of the norm for women to be prominent public figures and speak publicly, there are still some who choose to hold women to a different standard.
