Sunday, May 21, 2017

QQC 2 - Aspasia

Quote: "Clearly, gender studies provides a different lens by which to survey rhetoric. Gone is the dualist lens of male/female biology; instead, we have a lens that regards gender as a social product, an institution of power relations learned through and perpetuated by culture" (11, Glenn). 

Question: Would you say there is a universal truth about gender studies? 


  1. I feel that depending on the person who is viewing and analyzing gender studies, the truth will vary. Although gender studies provide a different lens through which rhetoric can be viewed, i.e. beyond just the simple male and female anatomy, not every individual may be believe that gender is a social product and that the belief of males having a higher power and authority than females is caused by years of oppression towards women. In some cases it is possible that a person may believe that this sort of "hierarchy" of gender has always been the norm and is something that was established long before the flourishing of society. Within the quote Glenn establishes that an institute of power relations is learned through and perpetuated by a culture, therefore I think that the truth of gender studies will most definitely vary and that there is not one solid "universal truth", since various cultures may view women as far superior than men, and vice versa.

  2. I do not believe that there is a universal truth about gender studies because the truth about a man is not the same for the truth about a woman. I agree with Amy. It definitely depends on the person who is analyzing gender studies because we all have different views on gender roles and create gender stereotypes.
