Wednesday, May 17, 2017


QUOTE: "Oral dialogue between congenial souls is far superior to writing because it can lead to the truth."

QUESTION: Do you agree with this quote? If not, why and how do you think writing can be superior to oral dialogue? 


  1. To some degree i disagree with this quote. I believe that writing and oral dialogue can go hand and hand. Writing is the universal way to record facts, personal cover stations, thoughts etc. If it was for writing there would be no oral dialogue, writing was around way before oral dialogues were created, bringing it back to when cuneiform and the clay tablet were the forms of writing people created these objects to record information and write things down, without writing nothing would be possible thats why i feel that this quote is a little off.

  2. I personally disagree with this quote. I believe that oral dialogue oftentimes has the ability to be misinterpreted, especially if it is repeated and passed on from person to person over the course of several years. Unlike oral dialogue, writing is concrete and much less likely to be subjected to change, which means less chances of the "truth" being altered. It has the ability to withstand time and can be more easily spread and distributed, unlike oral dialogue. As John stated above, writing helps in recording information, and provides a medium through which truth can be accessed by multiple individuals rather than select few at any given time.
